
Delphi Dinning Restaurant and Catering Website Template

HTML Πρότυπα Χωρίς Διαχειριστικό

Fully responsive and elegant website design tailored for Greek restaurants, cafes, and catering businesses. The code is clean, well-structured, and easy to understand, with styles organized and explained through detailed comments. Features include responsive sliders, functional forms, an intuitive shopping cart page, a blog listing and detailed blog view with a comments section, and a dynamic, mobile-friendly image gallery.

Pages included:

  1. Landing page
  2. blog list classic view
  3. blog list grid view
  4. blog detail page
  5. Item base menu
  6. description base menu
  7. grid gallery
  8. Shopping cart page
  9. login
  10. sign up
  11. contact us
  12. 404 page
  13. FAQ
  14. About us
  15. Reservation

with a functional Reservation widget.

Perfect for any business offering online ordering, reservation, or delivery services.

  • Free 24/7
    Support Team

  • Ready Solutions
    For Business

  • Premium

  • 1 200 000+

    Satisfied Customers

"Template #" 147104
Тип: HTML Πρότυπα Χωρίς Διαχειριστικό
Author: coDev
Downloads: 0
Live Demo Buy
Template # 147104
Type: HTML Πρότυπα Χωρίς Διαχειριστικό
Author: coDev
Downloads: 0
Features: Responsive, Bootstrap, Mobile Layout Included, Team Members, Restaurant Menu, Dropdown Menu, Sample content, Blog, Online Store/Shop, Gallery, Forum, HTML 5,

Styles: Clean, Neutral, Flat,

Template Software Required: Code editing tool, Code-editor, Code editor,

Topic: BBQ Restaurant Templates, European Restaurant Templates, Italian Restaurant Templates, Greek Restaurant Templates, French Restaurant Templates, Spanish Restaurant Templates, German Restaurant Templates, Mexican Restaurant Templates, Pizza Templates, Bakery Templates, Catering Templates, Cafe and Restaurant Templates, Food & Drink Templates, Food & Restaurant,

Color: black, white, grey, purple, pink, cyan,

tags: catering, cookies, delivery, menu, ordering, reservation, restaurant, services, testimonials, blog, food store, food ordering, restaurant template, online reservation, food blogging, greek restaurant, reservation widget,

webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,

pHPVersionCompatibility: 8.2, 8.3,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

databaseServerCompatibility: MySQL 8.0, MySQL 5.7, MariaDB 10,